How can I become a member at Whiting Community Church?
Have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and recognize Him as fully God yet fully man.
Acknowledge the Bible is the Word of God in written form through which God reveals Himself to us.
Having been baptized by immersion at some point after beginning a relationship with Jesus. If you would like more information about baptism, please contact our pastor.
Attend our WCC 101 Class where you will hear our theological statement, ministry vision/purposes, strategy and structure. After attending this class, if you feel at home with us then sign our church covenant and speak to one of our directors or our pastor about joining. We will introduce you to the church family at the end of our worship service. As a member, you promise to support the ministry of WCC with your time, your finances and by becoming an active participant in the life of our church.
When you approach our pastor or directors to join, you will have the option of joining in one of the following ways:
Receiving Christ as your Savior and following Him in baptism by immersion.
Moving your membership from another church of like faith and practice.
Join by statement, having accepted Jesus Christ and been baptized by immersion.
If you have any questions regarding membership, please contact our pastor or elders.